

Episode 33: THE CRAZY KILL

Written by Dennis Spooner
Story by Brian Clemens
Produced by Ian Fordyce
Directed by Dennis Vance
(tx date May 3, 1975)
US: The Fear Is Spreading
fr: Camouflage
Two escaped convicts, Garard and Filton, take refuge in Dr Frank Henson's house. Accidentally American Tracy Loxton gets caught up in the siege.
Note that the scene which introduces Garard and Filton is "mute", i.e. very quick to shoot.
Lots of suspense, a good premise, good situations and performances. Thumbs up!!
There are a couple of flaws, though. When Dr Henson sends the police away there's not much mourning over the loss of his wife anymore. Secondly, it's hardly a sign of a professional attitude by the detectives not to notice the girl's absence – although the relief to have caught Garrard without any further bloodletting might play its part here.
There seems to be one continuity problem (police car), and every time new guests arrive at Henson's house we see cheaply made paintings to simulate countryside. When the detective remembers a vital detail this comes across like a deus-ex-machina solution, and the final scene is bloody old-fashioned.

Zwei entflohene Sträflinge verschanzen sich auf der Flucht vor der Polizei im Haus des Herzchirurgen Dr Frank Henson. Dann trifft die Journalistin Tracy Loxton ein, um eine Verabredung mit Hensons Frau wahrzunehmen.
Auch diese Episode (erinnert an William Wylers The Desperate Hours und ähnliche) ist ausgesprochen clever gestrickt (macguffin). Lediglich die Schlußszene zieht einem die Zähne.
Rating: ****
Thriller Thriller
Tandy Cronyn (Tracy Loxton), Denholm Elliot (Dr Frank Henson), Anthony Valentine (Garard), Claire Nielson (Hilary), Alan Browning (Supt. Brook), Juan Moreno (Filton), David Horovitch (Tredgett), Dennis Chinnery (Sergeant), Ken Parry (Taxi Driver), Brian Haines (Inspector), Mark Wing-Davey (Cater).
Wardrobe Supervisor Sue Lecash Make-up Supervisor Dianne Joyce Film Cameraman (uncredited) Film Editor Stanley Staffe Senior Cameraman Bill Brown Sound Director Bob Woodhouse Senior Vision Control (uncredited) VTR Editor (uncredited) Music Coordinator Paul Clay Music Laurie Johnson Lighting Director Alistair Morrison Designer Bryan Holgate Senior Floor Manager Ron Blanchard Floor Manager Trevor Lowndes Vision Mixer (uncredited) Administrator Ron Brown Production Secretary Jenifer Blackden Production Assistant Joan Reader Executive Producer (uncredited).

*re-assembled from available on-screen credits
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