

(dt: Auf die sanfte Tour / - )

English version

The Gentle Touch war ein ARD-Vorabendrenner. Einer von der Sorte projectile, wie B. Ruby Rich es nennen würde: Wie denkt sich ein männlicher Autor, Terence Feely, in das Leben einer weiblichen Hautfigur, Maggie Forbes, hinein; sprich, wie bestätigt er männliche Vorurteile über Frauen?
Natürlich muß man Richs Vorbehalte nicht teilen. Abgesehen davon, daß es Unsinn ist, daß wir nicht über das sprechen dürfen, was wir nicht sind, haben wir eine fiktionale Ebene vor uns. Richs Einwand hält allenfalls bei Dokumentarfilmen stand, und selbst hier darf weiter gestritten werden. Das Publikum in England wie in Deutschland war begeistert, und auch die Kritiker waren eher für Maggie Forbes als gegen sie. Warum, dafür gibt es gute Gründe.
Maggie, gespielt von Jill Gascoine (The Onedin Line), nimmt als normale weibliche Person mittleren Alters eine Mittelstellung ein zwischen Pin-Up-Heldinnen (Charlie's Angels) und 'komischen Alten', denen man jedoch aufgrund ihrer Kombinationsfähigkeit Respekt zollt (Miss Marple, JessicaFletcher). Irgendwo zwischendrin war Scarecrow and Mrs King, die Hausfrau als Geheimagentin, und ganz offensichtlich tongue-in-cheek.

Das Resultat ist eine Kreuzung aus police procedural, Charakterstudie und domestic drama. Das stellenweise selbst bei den Außenaufnahmen (!) verwendete VTR-Verfahren verhindert, daß auch Action-Elemente dazukommen, wie im US-amerikanischen Pendant Cagney & Lacey. Hierdurch wird allerdings auch die störende Überdrehtheit verhindert, die die doch recht aufdringlich agierenden Sharon Gless und Tyne Daly ausstrahlen und die damit eine potentiell revolutionäre US-Serie, die Lorraine Gamman und Margaret Marchment zu Recht loben, nicht für jeden genießbar machen. Ein bißchen wird in The Gentle Touch gemogelt: Jill Gascoine (*1937) kommt mit dem Aussehen eines Fotomodells daher und wird naturgemäß mit vielen Großaufnahmen 'abgefeiert', die immer noch wirksamste Identifikationshilfe.

Wie Cagney und Lacey hat Maggie neben dem Beruf, genauer dem Bestehen in einer männlich dominierten und gewalttätigen Welt, auch private Probleme auszustehen. Diese beschränken sich nicht auf ein chase & catch-Spiel mit dem Ziel einmaliger Kopulation (wie bei Regan und ähnlichen), sondern erstrecken sich über drei (fiktive) Generationen. Maggie muß den Tod ihres Mannes verwinden, der im Pilotfilm im Dienst erschossen wird. Sie ist anschließend alleinerziehende Mutter, was ihr der Sohnemann nicht immer leicht macht. Dazu grantelt zu Hause noch der verwitwete Papa herum und ist strenggenommen mehr Bürde als Hilfe.
Daß in der Fiktion das Privatleben von Polizisten ausführlich beleuchtet wird, ist nicht immer so gewesen. Im Kino gilt Don Siegels Madigan als Prototyp, im Fernsehen war es lange Zeit so, daß entweder Sonnyboys (Edd Byrnes vs Roger Moore) oder stocksteife Ermittler wie Jack Webb ("All I want is the facts, Ma'am!") das Bild bestimmten. Wie an anderer Stelle erläutert, wurde in England mit Special Branch die Sorte Cop eingeführt, die zwar wie Roger Moore baggerte, dies aber nicht immer sympathisch. Der Versuch, die Fiktion und die Wirklichkeit näher zusammenzuführen, das, was im Volksmund realistisch heißt, führte zu Projekten wie The Gentle Touch. (Zur Erinnerung: Realismus bezeichnet eigentlich eine literarische Strömung des 19. Jahrhunderts und ist verbunden mit den Namen Howells, James, Dickens, Fontane. Bezogen auf den Dokumentarfilm ist Realismus geradezu ein Schimpfwort, das gleichsam rückständige Filme bezeichnet, die auf die Bloßlegung des filmischen Apparates verzichten.) Mit Dangerfield erfolgte ein Stück Emanzipation: ein männlicher Protagonist stand hier im Zentrum beruflicher und privater Herausforderungen, letztere von jener Natur, die vormals Figuren wie Maggie vorbehalten waren.
Mein ganz persönlicher Geschmack sieht im übrigen so aus, daß mir dieses Personal von The Gentle Touch wesentlich eher zusagt als die weinerliche Witzfigur, die John Karlen als Laceys Ehemann abgibt.
Was die ideologische Seite angeht, bedeutet die Nachfolgeserie C.A.T.S. Eyes (CATS = Covert Activities Thames Section), erneut konzipiert von Terence Feely, einen Schritt zurück. Die ohnehin ansehnliche Maggie Forbes bekommt, und damit wird der Kreis zu Charlie's Angels geschlossen, zwei Sexbomben zur Seite gestellt (zunächst gespielt von Rosalyn Landor (später: Tracy Louise Ward) und Leslie Ash; bei der Urbesetzung von Charlie's Angels standen der zugeknöpften Kate Jackson die Pin-Ups Farrah Fawcett und Jaclyn Smith gegenüber). Don Warrington als Nigel Beaumont spielte die Rolle David Doyles (freilich nicht so gewollt unsexy). Der Prototyp von Between the Lines wird wieder ersetzt durch escapist entertainment im Stile der 70er Jahre, auch wenn es zunächst so aussieht, als ob das Provinzielle an The Gentle Touch überwunden und durch die spektakuläre Jagd auf allerlei großkalibriges Gesindel, ganz im Stil der Professionals, ersetzt wird. Dafür, daß dies zumindest in bekannt kompetenter Manier vorgetragen wird, sorgt die eingeflogene crème de la crème auf Autor- (Jeremy Burnham, Terence Feely, Don Houghton, Ray Jenkins, Paul Wheeler etc.) und auf Regisseurseite (Dennis Abey, William Brayne, Tom Clegg, Robert Fuest, Francis Megahy, Ian Sharp, Anthony Simmons, Ian Toynton, Roger Tucker; fast alle mit Sweeney- und/oder Professionals-Erfahrung). Bezeichnenderweise übernahmen für Saison 2 und 3 die Professionals-Veteranen Raymond Menmuir und Gerry O'Hara das Ruder; Menmuir als Produzent und Regisseur, O'Hara als Autor und Executive Story Editor.
(left to right) James Hill, Ian Sharp, Robert Fuest
Wie Dempsey & Makepeace büßt CATS Eyes wertvolle Punkte ein durch die schwächliche Titelmusik, gewollt moderner 80er-Jahre Synthi-Pop. Die Action-Szenen sind exzellent, stellenweise völlig ungeeignet fürs Kinderprogramm, aber sonst passiert nicht viel mehr als das Herunterplappern von blödem Zeug. Wie bei Charlie's Angels handelt es sich eher um einen Bärendienst für die Frauenemanzipation, da peinlichst darauf geachtet wird, daß die Darstellerinnen möglichst keinen intelligenten Satz von sich geben. Außer Herumstehen und comichaftem Agieren wird nicht viel von ihnen verlangt. Unterm Strich handelt es sich um eine Übergangsform zwischen dem provozierenden escapist entertainment der 70er Jahre (The Professionals) und der gnadenlosen Überdrehtheit, Oberflächlichkeit und Technikverliebtheit der 90er Jahre (BUGS).
Season 1
Producers Kim Mills Jack Williams Executive Producer Tony Wharmby Music Roger Webb
(1.01) Killers tx 11.04.80 Guest Stars Leslie Schofield Jason Savage Brian Croucher Stephen Yardley Ben Thomas Photography Mike Humphreys Tony Maynard VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Brian Finch Director Tony Wharmby
GERMAN: Polizistenlos
(1.02) Recoil tx 18.04.80 Guest Stars Stephen Yardley Brian Croucher Tudor Barnes Sue Nicholls Photography Tim Piper Ian Stanley Designer John Clements Writer Brian Finch Director Christopher Hodson
GERMAN: Die Jagd nach dem Mörder
(1.03) Help tx 25.04.80 Guest Stars Beth Harris Kate Dorning Peter Spraggon Diana Patrick Photography Tim Piper Martin Bond VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Roger Marshall Director David Askey
(1.04) Shock tx 02.05.80 Guest Stars Christopher Bramwell Robert Austin Trudi Styler Ziggy Byfield Photography Tony Maynard VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer John Clements Writer Roger Marshall Director Tony Wharmby
(1.05) Blade tx 09.05.80 Guest Stars Kenneth Gilbert Patricia Garwood John Wheatley Photography Tim Piper Ian Stanley VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer John Clements Writer Roger Marshall Director Christopher Hodson
GERMAN: Das Opfer
(1.06) Rogue tx 16.05.80 Guest Stars Brian Osborne Moira Redmond James Smilie Shirley Cheriton Robert Fyfe Michael McVey Photography Martin Bond Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Pat Hooker Director David Askey
GERMAN: Ein Herr in den besten Jahren
(1.07) Melody tx 23.05.80 Catherine Schell James Ottaway Trevor Peacock Mona Bruce Peter Straker Fiona Curzon Brigitte Kahn Christine Shaw Ben Thomas Sandy Ratcliff Photography Tim Piper (Film) Ian Stanley Editor Robert Hargreaves VTR Editor Graham Roberts Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Terence Feely Director Paul Annett
GERMAN: Tochter aus gutem Hause
Season 2
Producers Jack Williams (Something Blue, Decoy, Break-In) Kim Mills (Chance, Loyalties) Michael Verney-Elliott Executive Producer Tony Wharmby Music Roger Webb
(2.01) Something Blue tx 05.09.80 Guest Stars James Ottaway Lynda Marchal Linda Robson Diana Malin Judy Lloyd Peter Birrel Designer Frank Nerini Photography Tim Piper (Film) Dave Taylor Editor Robert Hargreaves VTR Editor Geoff Beames Writer Tony Hoare Director John Reardon
GERMAN: Porno ist kein Zeitvertreib
When Maggie tidies up Steve's room she finds pornographic mags. At work she is kept busy by a bunch of youngsters who steal garments. Interesting to see something dramatized that wouldn't raise half an eyebrow today – not even in Britain. Thriller source music (Possession? Screamer?) during a chase scene. Good location work. Fave line: "A pornographic film is John Wayne dropping napalm on gooks."
(2.02) Decoy tx 12.09.80 Guest Stars Richard Owens Peter Davidson David Sterne Nigel Le Vaillant Photography Tim Piper Senior Studio Cameraman Tony Maynard Editor Robert Hargreaves VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Frank Nerini Writer Terence Feely Director John Reardon
GERMAN: Lockvogel
(2.03) Break-In tx 19.09.80 Guest Stars David Gant Colin McCormack Linda Redwick Patsy Smart Ron Pember Paul Angelis Photography Allen Bendig Senior Studio Cameraman Tony Maynard Editor Robert Hargreaves VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Terence Feely Director Tony Wharmby
GERMAN: Safeknacker
(2.04) Menaces tx 26.09.80 Guest Stars Joss Ackland Judy Loe Robert Morgan Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Roger Marshall Director Paul Annett
(2.05) Hammer tx 03.10.80 Guest Stars Rosalind Ayres Derek Martin Leslie Ash Designer John Clements Writer Tony Parker Director Tony Wharmby
GERMAN: Hammer
(2.06) Chance tx 10.10.80 Guest Stars John Gregg Rio Fanning Graham Rowe Artro Morris Photography Martin Bond VTR Editor Michael Williams Designer John Clements Writer Pat Hoooker Director David Askey
(2.07) Loyalties tx 17.10.80 Guest Stars Honor Shepherd John Barron Ray Lonnen Lesley Manville Dawn Perllman Senior Studio Cameraman Tony Maynard VTR Editor Graham Roberts Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Tony Parker Director James Gatward
(2.08) Maggie's Luck tx 24.10.80 Guest Stars Ray Lonnen Jennifer Hilary Don Fellows Alan Bennion Photography Tony Maynard VTR Editor Jan Langford Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer David Crane Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Sir Robert läßt bitten
Steve's in love, Maggie likewise – but is it the right choice?
(2.09) Shame tx 31.10.80 Guest Stars Lee Whitlock Angus Mackay Michael Melia Designer David Catley Writer Roger Marshall Director Peter Moffatt
GERMAN: Unter argem Verdacht
(2.10) The Ring tx 07.11.80 Guest Stars George Sewell Bernard Spear Tim Pearce Designer Michael Minas Writer Neil Rudyard Director Paul Annett
GERMAN: Der Ring

Season 3
Producer Michael Verney-Elliott Executive Producer Tony Wharmby Music Roger Webb
(3.01) Gifts tx 06.11.81 Guest Stars Jim Wiggins Roger Ostime Ray Gatenby Designer Mike Oxley Writer Terence Feely Director Christopher Hodson
GERMAN: Rosenkavalier
(3.02) Doubt tx 13.11.81 Guest Stars David Daker Christopher Villiers Christopher Ellison Edward Peel Geoffrey Freshwater Ben Thomas Pat Gorman Writer Anthony Biggam Photography Howard Smith Senior Studio and OB Cameraman Michael Lingard Editor Margarette Bendall VTR Editor Graham Roberts Designer Frank Nerini Paul Annett
GERMAN: Einsamkeit
Getting involved in a robbery Maggie and Jimmy take a severe beating.
This episode combines film, OB and VTR.
(3.03) The Hit tx 20.11.81 Guest Stars Nick Tate George Baker Trudi Goodwin Designer David Catley Writer Terence Feely Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Scharfe Schüsse
(3.04) Scapegoat tx 27.11.81 Guest Stars Harry Towb Gillian Raine Gary Holton Photography Michael Lingard VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Colin Monk Writer Roger Marshall Director John Reardon
The home of a Jewish couple has been vandalized.
One of Marshall's family pieces. Certainly NOT selected for the German run. "What are they made of? Fillings from people's teeth?"
(3.05) Knife tx 04.12.81 Guest Stars Sylvestra LeTouzel Neil McCarthy Nick Stringer Designer Frank Nerini Writer Ray Jenkins Director Christopher Baker
GERMAN: Berührungsängste
(3.06) Protection tx 11.12.81 Guest Stars Tony Selby Lina Maryan George Sewell Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Roger Marshall Director Carol Wiseman
GERMAN: Eine Hand zuviel
(3.07) Paint It Black tx 18.12.81 Guest Stars Tammi Jacobs Tony Scannell Gayle Runciman Designer David Catley Writer Kenneth Ware Director Nic Phillips
(3.08) Affray tx 01.01.82 Guest Stars Garfield Morgan Jean Hastings James Simmons Roy Alexander Yvonne D'Alpra Photography Martin Bond Designer Richard Dunn Writer James Doran Director Christopher Baker
GERMAN: Mord und Totschlag
(3.09) Black Fox, White Vixen tx 08.01.82 Guest Stars Elizabeth Counsell Martyn Jacobs Ronald Hines Photography Martin Bond Designer David Catley Writer Jeremy Burnham Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Schwarz gegen weiß
(3.10) One of Those Days tx 15.01.82 Guest Stars David Kelly Tony Doyle Liz Smith Pamela Buchner Designer David Catley Writer Neil Rudyard Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Selbstbedienung
(3.11) Vigil tx 22.01.82 Guest Stars Lynne Ross Susan Tracy Dilys Laye Designer Frank Nerini Writer Tony Parker Director Peter Cregeen
GERMAN: Zweimal Zusage
(3.12) Damage tx 29.01.82 Guest Stars Robert Longden Peter Thistleton Helen Cherry Michael Lees Photography Mike Paterson Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Peter J Hammond Director Carol Wiseman
GERMAN: Armer Mr Pascoe
Maggie meets a single father who can just cope – or can he? Her dad is brought into hospital with a stroke.
Another terrific achievement by PJH – insights into the world of social outcasts. Strong performances, too, in this thoroughly philanthropic segment.
(3.13) Solution tx 05.02.82 Guest Stars James Ottaway John Pennington Fiona Walker Carole Harrison Annette Badland Photography Dave Taylor VTR Editor Geoff Beames Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Peter J Hammond Director Carol Wiseman
Extensive footage with old folk suffering from strokes certainly doesn't make for good entertainment. Another remarkable reflection piece by PJH, though without surprises with regard to certain attitudes.
Season 4
Producer: Michael Verney-Elliott Executive Producer Tony Wharmby
(4.01) Right of Entry tx 22.10.82 Guest Stars Kevin O'Shea Frank Thornton Avis Bunnage Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Neil Rudyard Director John Reardon
GERMAN: Auf nüchternen (sic) Magen
(4.02) Be Lucky Uncle tx 29.10.82 Guest Stars Ken Campbell Art Malik Oliver Smith Ben Thomas Michael Praed Stunts Alan Chuntz Photography Mike Paterson VTR Editor Jan Langford Designer Rodney Cammish Writer Geoff McQueen Director Gerry Mill
(4.03) Cause and Effect tx 05.11.82 Guest Stars Brian Bovell Frank Mills Mary Peach Photography Mike Paterson VTR Editor Clayton Parker Designer Richard Dunn Writer Guy James Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Ein schwarzes Schaf
What's the matter with the young black who seems to have attacked a shopkeeper – almost under Croft's eyes? Steve, meanwhile, has plans to join the force.
An intriguing piece on identity crisis – recommended viewing.
(4.04) Auctions tx 12.11.82 Guest Stars Michael Cronin Peter Cellier Bernard Kay Designer Rae George Writer Chris Barlas Director Gerald Blake
GERMAN: Kunst und Parfüm
(4.05) Dany tx 19.11.82 Guest Stars Joanne Whalley Frederick Jaeger Gwynneth Powell Designer David Catley Writer Ray Jenkins Director Gerald Blake
(4.06) Victims tx 26.11.82 Guest Stars Sheila Gish Bernard Holley Jean Hastings Designer John Emery Writer Peter J Hammond Director Christopher Hodson
GERMAN: Ins Auge gegangen
(4.07) The Meat Rack tx 03.12.82 Guest Stars John Brown Mitzi Rogers Leslie Dane Designer Rodney Cammish Writer Roger Marshall Director Gerald Blake
(4.08) Joker tx 10.12.82 Guest Stars Enn Reitel Arthur English Alan Lake Donald McKillop Photography Mike Paterson Designer Bryan Bagge Writer Ray Jenkins Director Nic Phillips
(4.09) Tough Mrs Rudge tx 17.12.82 Guest Stars Kathleen St John Barry Johns David Hanson Ann Curthoys Photography Mike Paterson Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Anthony Couch Director Nic Phillips
GERMAN: Maggie sieht rot
(4.10) Private Views tx 07.01.83 Guest Stars Mark Botham Gary Dean Hugh Cross Photography Mike Paterson VTR Editor Graham Roberts Designer Rae George Writer Tony Parker Director John Davies
GERMAN: Persönlich, privat, vertraulich
(4.11) Pressures tx 14.01.83 Guest Stars Pamela Buchner Richard Borthwick Stewart Bevan Chris Johnson Writer Kenneth Ware Photography Mike Paterson VTR Editor Clayton Parker Designer Andrew Gardner Director Nic Phillips
Terrific witing and acting (Marlowe, Buchner).
(4.12) Weekend tx 21.01.83 Guest Stars Anne McCarthy Arthur Rowe Jerry Waring Designer Andrew Gardner Writer Peter J Hammond Director John Davies
GERMAN: Weekend
(4.13) Who's Afraid of Josie Tate tx 28.01.83 Guest Stars Paola Dionisotti Colin Rix Ralph Bates Virginia Wetherell Michael Cronin Jason Savage Photography Mike Paterson Designer David Catley Writer Neil Rudyard Director Gerry Mill
When her doctor diagnoses breast cancer Josie Tate has nothing to lose. She takes two hand grenades with her into Seven Dials. A terrific episode with an ending that I, for one, did not expect!
Season 5
Producer Michael Verney-Elliott Executive Producer Nick Elliott Music Roger Webb
(5.01) Finders, Keepers tx 01.09.84 Guest Stars Bernard Holley Ben Thomas Lynda Bellingham Derrick O'Connor Eamon Boland Peter Machin Photography Mike Paterson Designer Bryan Bagge Writer Neil Rudyard Director Gerry Mill
(5.02) Losers, Weepers tx 08.09.84 Guest Stars Bernard Holley Ben Thomas Lynda Bellingham Derrick O'Connor Eamon Boland Peter Machin Stunts Peter Brayham Photography Mike Paterson Designer Bryan Bagge Writer Neil Rudyard Director Gerry Mill
(5.03) Do It Yourself tx 15.09.84 Guest Stars Dudley Sutton Michael Graham Cox Ray Burdis Margery Mason Kate Williams Photography Tony Maynard Designer Richard Dunn Writer Guy James Director Bill Turner
GERMAN: Do It Yourself
(5.04) The Conference tx 22.09.84 Guest Stars Michael Graham Cox Shaun Curry Steve Alder Sean Scanlan Gwynneth Powell Photography Mike Paterson Chris Owen Designer Richard Dunn Writer Guy James [GV: Tony Hoare] Director Gerry Mill
GERMAN: Hotel der Spitzenklasse
(5.05) The Good, the Bad and the Rest tx 29.09.84 Guest Stars Frank Gatliff Jonathan Caplan James Ottaway Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Anthony Couch Director Gerald Blake
GERMAN: Dienst ist Dienst
(5.06) Mad Dog tx 06.10.84 Guest Stars Robin Hayter Louise Jameson Andrew Burt Photography Tony Maynard VTR Editor Grahame Sisson Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Terence Feely Director Peter Cregeen
GERMAN: Tollwut
Includes a hilarious sequence in which Peter has to speak French on the phone!
One of the weaker episodes though. With regard to subject matter its Bergerac counterpart the latter is miles ahead. The children's birthday party and the cute doggie are just two elements which must be regarded as flaws. Amazing make-up in places (ugh!).
(5.07) Wise Child tx 13.10.84 Guest Stars Rupert Frazer Diana Fairfax Natalie Forbes Derek Benfield Photography Tony Maynard VTR Editor Dave Simpson Designer Bryan Bagge Writer Guy James Director Gerald Blake
GERMAN: Sohn nach Maß
Not much to write home about here.
(5.08) Appearances Can Be Deceptive tx 20.10.84 Guest Stars Adrienne Posta Lysette Anthony James Wood Designer Rodney Cammish Writer Neil Rudyard Director Gerald Blake
(5.09) Fox and Hounds tx 27.10.84 Guest Stars Victor Romero-Evans Oscar James Peter Spraggon Designer Gordon Melhuish Writer Tony Hoare Director John Reardon
GERMAN: Weißer Fuchs – schwarzer Fuchs
(5.10) Secrets tx 03.11.84 Guest Stars Amanda Boxer Malcolm Tierney Patrick Newell Designer Rodney Cammish Writer Peter J Hammond Director Jonathan Wright-Miller
(5.11) Cure tx 10.11.84 Guest Stars John Grillo Ann Morrish Patricia Lawrence Photography Mike Paterson Designer John Clements Writer Peter J Hammond Director Gerry Mill
GERMAN: Wunderheiler
Maggie and Jake pose as a couple requiring the services of a faith healer.
Once again (cf Scapegoat) we learn why Russell has made it to DCI – he lectures Barratt on history.
(5.12) A Woman's Word tx 17.11.84 Guest Stars Angela Douglas Nigel Humphries Paul Humpoletz Designer John Emery Writer Simon Masters Director Gerald Blake
GERMAN: Eine Frau – ein Wort
(5.13) Exit Laughing tx 24.11.84 Guest Stars Wanda Ventham Debbi Blythe Ian Thompson Michael Cronin Carole Nimmons Roderic Leigh Photography Mike Paterson VTR Editor Clayton Parker Designer John Clements Writer Neil Rudyard Director Gerry Mill
GERMAN: Mordversuch
Fave line: "He's nicked the 'o'!" Exit laughing indeed!
Season 1
Executive Producer Rex Firkin Producers Dickie Bamber Frank Cox Music John Kongos
(1.01) Goodbye Jenny Wren tx 12.04.85 Guest Stars Michael Petrovich Catherine Rabett Christopher Goodwin Photography Ken Brinsley Stunt Arranger Peter Brayham Script Editor Jeremy Burnham Designer Leo Austin Writer Terence Feely Director William Brayne
(1.02.) The Black Magic Man tx 19.04.85 Guest Stars Nigel Gregory Bernard Holley Matthew Aldridge Designer Leo Austin Writer Ray Jenkins Director James Hill
(1.03) The Double Dutch Deal tx 26.04.85 Guest Stars Steven Pinder Philip Jackson Nula Conwell Designer Ken Wheatley Writer Martin Worth Director Ian Toynton
(1.04) Frightmare tx 03.05.85 Guest Stars Richard Austin Patrick Newell Rosemary Williams Designer Judy Steele Writer Don Houghton Director James Hill
(1.05) Love Byte tx 10.05.85 Guest Stars George Sewell Sally Jane Jackson Michael Troughton Designer Philip Murphy Writer Ben Steed Director James Hill
(1.06) Fingers tx 17.05.85 Guest Stars T P McKenna Michael Thomas Phyllida Law Designer John Newton-Clarke Writer Anthony Skene Director Robert Fuest
(1.07) With Vinegar and Brown Paper tx 24.05.85 Guest Stars Malcolm Tierney JG Devlin James Horsley Designer Leo Austin Writer Ray Jenkins Director Robert Fuest
(1.08) Under Plain Cover tx 31.05.85 Guest Stars Ed Devereaux James Cosmo John Ringham Designer Leo Austin Writer Jeremy Burnham Director William Brayne
(1.09) Something Nasty Down Below tx 07.06.85 Guest Stars Julia McCarthy Hugh Lloyd George A Cooper Designer Philip Murphy Writer Terence Feely Director Ian Toynton
(1.10) Cross My Palm With Silver tx 14.06.85 Guest Stars Cherith Mellor Ronald Lacey Peter Vaughan Designer Judy Steele Writer Jeremy Burnham Director Robert Fuest
(1.11) My Father Knew Lloyd Mbotu tx 21.06.85 Guest Stars Frederick Treves Donald Churchill Faith Brook Designer John Newton-Clarke Writer Terence Feely Director William Brayne
(1.12) Blue For Danger tx 28.06.85 Guest Stars George Innes Bridget Turner Benny Young Designer Philip Murphy Writer Jeremy Burnham Director Tom Clegg
(1.13) Sweet Toothed Barracuda no further details av., probably unfilmed
Season 2
Executive Producer Rex Firkin Producer Raymond Menmuir Music Barbara Thompson Executive Story Editor Gerry O'Hara
(2.01) One Away tx 05.04.86 Guest Stars Neil Cunningham Ray Winstone Nicolas Selby Designer Writer Paul Wheeler Director Dennis Abey
(2.02) Powerline tx 12.04.86 Guest Stars Peter Capaldi Debbie Arnold Gavin Richards Stunts Roy Alon Writers Terence Feely Gerry O'Hara Photography Tony Mander Second Unit Photography Ken Brinsley Editor Roderic Cooke Designer William Alexander Director Ian Sharp
(2.03) Hit List tx 19.04.86 Guest Stars John Golightly Tim Wylton Peter Harlow Writer Gerry O'Hara Director Raymond Menmuir
(2.04) Good As New tx 26.04.86 Guest Stars Joanne Dukes Penelope Wilton Oliver Cotton Writer Paul Wheeler Director Carol Wiseman
(2.05) Rough Trip tx 03.05.86 Guest Stars Sneh Gupta Angus Mackay Daniel Meader Writer Gerry O'Hara Director William Brayne
(2.06) Passage Hawk tx 10.05.86 Guest Stars John McEnery Ian NcNeice Peter Burton Writer Barry Appleton Director Anthony Simmons
(2.07) Freezeheat tx 17.05.86 Guest Stars Morgan Shephard Robert Gary Tony Doyle Writer Terence Feely Director Terry Marcel
(2.08) Fit tx 24.05.86 Guest Stars James Cosmo Charles Gray Joe Robinson Michael Howe Writer Reg Ford Director Terry Marcel
(2.09) Honeytrap tx 31.05.86 Guest Stars David Sumner Alan Downer Brian Hawksley Writer Terence Feely Director Robert Fuest
(2.10) Crack-Up tx 07.06.86 Guest Stars Michael Jayston Brian Croucher Geoffrey Greenhill Writer Paul Wheeler Director Edward Bennett
(2.11) Tranmere Dan and Tokyo Joe tx 14.06.86 Guest Stars Yoshio Kawahara David Saville Avril Angers Writer Jenny McDade Director Dennis Abey

Season 3
Executive Producer Rex Firkin Producer Raymond Menmuir Music Barbara Thompson Executive Story Editor Gerry O'Hara
(3.01) Twelve Bar Blues tx 25.04.87 Guest Stars Tony Selby Ray Jewers Graham Weston Jan Ravens Linzi Drew Stunts Gerry Crampton Writers Andy De La Tour Gerry O'Hara Photography Michael D. Smith Editor John Price, G.B.F.E. Designer William Alexander Director Gerry Mill
The team goes undercover to investigate in a white slavery case.
This one is a good suspenser full of remarkable moments. To begin with, there are many instances of (potential) sexual harassment shown from a female perspective. Recommended!
(3.02) Carrier Pigeon tx 02.05.87 Guest Stars Jeffrey Chiswick Donald McKillop Claire Toeman Leon Eagles David Gooderson Geoffrey Bateman Writer Paul Wheeler Photography Ken Brinsley Editor Michael Hunt Designers William Alexander Ken Wheatley Director J. B. Wood
Fred tries to help out a friend who has been detained under suspicion of drug trafficking.
(3.03) Country Weekend tx 09.05.87 Guest Stars Geoffrey Hinsliff Shaun Gascoine Richard Bebb Writer Paul Wheeler Director Raymond Menmuir
(3.04) The Big Burn tx 16.05.87 Guest Stars Rachel Davies Colin Rix Brian Poyser Donald Churchill Alan Downer Stunts Marc Boyle Writer Terence Feely Photography Michael D. Smith Editor John Price, G.B.F.E. Designer William Alexander Director Alan Bell
(3.05) A Naval Affair tx 23.05.87 Guest Stars John Fortune Timothy Carlton John Challis Stunts Peter Brayham Writer Francis Megahy Photography Michael D. Smith Editor John Price, G.B.F.E. Designer William Alexander Director Claude Whatham
Maggie's new "boyfriend" is rather accident-prone.
(3.06) Family Tradition tx 30.05.87 Guest Stars Alan MacNaughton Suzanne Church Robin Kermode Michael Elwyn Patricia Garwood Shirley Dixon Brigitte Kahn Writer Paul Wheeler Photography Ken Brinsley Editor Michael Hunt Designers William Alexander Ken Wheatley Director Raymond Menmuir
(3.07) Backlash tx 06.06.87 Guest Stars Isla Blair Clive Arrindell Peter Birrel Stephen Greif Jonathan Kydd Stunts Peter Brayham Writer Terence Feely Photography Ken Brinsley Editor Michael Hunt Designers William Alexander Ken Wheatley Director Francis Megahy


TERENCE [John] FEELY (*28/07/1928, Liverpool; d. London,13/08/2000) ist alleine wegen zahlreicher Thriller-Bücher ein Platz in der TV Hall of Fame sicher. Romane: Embrace the Sun, Affairs of the Heart, Number Ten, Limelight, etc. Theater: Shout for Life +6
Film: Who Killed Santa Claus. TV: No Hiding Place (1959-61), The Avengers (Nightmare, Dragonsfield), The Saint, Mystery & Imagination (1966, Story Editor), The Prisoner, UFO, The Persuaders (Greensleeves), Arthur of the Britons, The Protectors (2000 Feet to Die), Thriller (A Place To Die, The Eyes Have It, Spell of Evil, Only A Scream Away, Kiss Me and Die, Sign It Death, The Next Voice You See), Thunderbirds, Space: 1999 (New Adam, New Eve; The Bringers of Wonder 1 + 2), The New Avengers (To Catch a Rat, Angels of Death), Return of the Saint, Within These Walls, Mistral's Daughter (1984), A Hazard of Hearts, Affairs of the Heart, Number Ten (1983). http://obits.com/feely_terence.html

In order to find out more about these series please try the following links:
Terence Feely: Mit sanftem Druck. Heyne 1982?
The Gentle Touch
Dave Rogers: The ITV Encyclopedia of Adventure, London 1988
This is an unofficial and non-commercial website. The rights to The Gentle Touch are held by LWT. The rights to CATS Eyes are held by Saban Entertainment (thanks to Martin Marshall for info). The sole purpose of this page is to promote the abovementioned series - no copyright infringement is intended. However, should the copyright holders be unhappy with my use of screenshots the material in question will be removed immediately.
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